
Guide to Healthy Party Eating

If you're heading to a party, food can be a central attraction—use these easy tips to stay true to your appetite and avoid overeating!

  1. If it's a potluck, take a salad, vegetable, or low-calorie dish you can eat
  2. If you know the food is going to be super rich, eat a little beforehand so you will be more in control. Eat small portions.
  3. Make a contract with yourself before you go deciding how much you will eat
  4. Station yourself away from the food at a buffet
  5. Drink lots of sparkling water or unsweetened iced tea
  6. Try to distract yourself from the food with lots of good conversation, dancing, admiring the artwork/scenery etc.
  7. Evaluate afterwards, not as a judgement but to help yourself succeed next time, as well!
  8. Enjoy